Souper d’affaires du CCBC

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Mardi 31 octobre 2023
L’hôtel China World Summit Wing, Beijing
1 avenue Jianguomenwai, Beijing 100004, Chine

18 h 00 – 19 h 00 : Enregistrement et cocktail réseautage
19 h 00 – 21 h 00 : Souper d’affaires

Pour la 45e AGA du CCBC, Beijing sera la ville hôte de notre souper d’affaires annuel et cocktail pour les gens présent en Chine. Les évènements en personne ayant repris en Chine, il nous fait plaisir d’accueillir les cadres, représentants et entrepreneurs de nos compagnies-membres et non-membres dans la capitale, le soir du 31 octobre.

Conférencières du souper d’affaires pour 2023

Le très honorable Jean Chrétien
P.C., C.C., O.M., Q.C., Ad. E

M. Olivier Desmarais
Président du conseil d’administration, CCBC

Premier vice-président, Power Corporation
Président du conseil et chef de la direction, Power Sustainable

S.E. Jennifer May
Ambassadrice du Canada auprès de la République Populaire de Chine


Mr. Jean Chrétien was born in Shawinigan, Québec, Canada. Mr. Chrétien completed his law studies at Université Laval and was admitted to the Québec Bar in 1958. He is also a member of the Ontario Bar.

Mr. Chrétien was elected Member of the House of Commons in 1963. During his career, he also served as Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, Minister of Industry, Trade and Commerce, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Justice and Attorney General, Minister of National Revenue, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, President of the Treasury Board, Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources, Minister responsible for Francophone Affairs and Minister in charge of Social Development.

Mr. Chrétien was sworn in as Canada’s 20th Prime Minister of Canada in November 1993 after winning a majority of the seats in the House of Commons. During his tenure he was re-elected with majorities in 1997 and 2000. As Prime Minister, Mr. Chrétien stressed balanced budgets, national unity and a strengthened place for Canada in the world. His government’s legacy also includes a number of social reform and humanitarian initiatives.

Mr. Chrétien left the Office of Prime Minister of Canada on December 12, 2003. In February 2014, Mr. Chrétien joined Dentons Canada LLP as counsel.

In 2007, Mr. Chrétien was appointed Companion of the Order of Canada.

In 2008, he became co-president of the InterAction Council, an international organization that mobilizes the experience, energy and international networks of former Heads of State and Government. Council members jointly develop recommendations and practical solutions for the political, economic and social problems confronting the global community.

In 2009, he was awarded the Order of Merit by Her Majesty Elizabeth II.


M. Desmarais est premier vice-président de Power Corporation depuis 2017. Il est le moteur de Power Sustainable, celui qui inspire la vision et le positionnement de l’organisation comme gestionnaire d’actifs alternatifs dans le développement durable.

Il préside le Conseil d’affaires Canada-Chine (CCBC) et siège également sur les conseils d’administration de la Canada Vie, de IG Gestion de patrimoine, de Mackenzie et de Lumenpulse.

Très engagé socialement, il est également membre du conseil de l’Institut canadien de recherches avancées.

M. Desmarais détient un baccalauréat en droit de l’Université d’Ottawa et un baccalauréat en sociologie et sciences politiques de l’Université McGill. Il est membre du Barreau du Québec depuis 2009.


Madame Jennifer May a été nommée ambassadrice du Canada auprès de la République populaire de Chine le 23 septembre 2022. Elle est la première femme à occuper ce poste.

Avant sa nomination, Madame May a occupé le poste d’ambassadrice du Canada auprès de la République fédérative du Brésil de 2019 à 2022. Elle a été chef de mission adjointe à l’ambassade du Canada auprès de la République fédérale d’Allemagne de 2015 à 2019.

L’ambassadrice May possède une vaste expérience de l’Asie, ayant occupé des fonctions politiques et économiques au consulat général du Canada à Hong Kong de 1998 à 2000, à Beijing à l’Ambassade du Canada auprès de la République populaire de Chine de 2000 à 2004 et à Bangkok à l’Ambassade du Canada auprès du Royaume de la Thaïlande de 2010 à 2012, avec des responsabilités supplémentaires au Myanmar, au Cambodge et au Laos.

Au cours de sa carrière de trente-deux ans au sein du gouvernement du Canada, l’ambassadrice May a également été directrice des relations avec l’Europe de l’Est et l’Eurasie, directrice exécutive de la division des relations de défense et de sécurité à Affaires mondiales Canada et a été affectée à l’étranger à Vienne, en Autriche, et à Bonn, en Allemagne.

L’ambassadrice May est née à Toronto, au Canada, et a obtenu un baccalauréat ès arts en sciences politiques et en allemand de l’Université Laval, à Québec. Elle est mariée et a trois enfants adultes. Elle parle anglais, français, mandarin, allemand et portugais. L’ambassadrice Jennifer May est connue sous le nom de 梅倩琳 en chinois.

H.E. WANG Shouwen
Deputy Secretary of the CPC Leadership Group of the Ministry of Commerce,
China International Trade Representative (full minister rank), and Vice Minister of Commerce

Mr. YU Jianlong
Vice Chairman, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade
Vice Chairman, China Chamber of International Commerce


Mr. WANG Shouwen, male and of Han ethnicity, was born in Xuancheng, Anhui Province in Mar. 1966. He started his career in Feb. 1989 and joined the Communist Party of China (CPC) in Apr. 1986. Mr. WANG obtained a bachelor’s degree in engineering from Hunan University, a master’s degree in economics from the University of International Business and Economics and a doctoral degree in economics from Peking University.

Having worked as Deputy Director of Translation and Interpretation Service Division of the Protocol Department, and Director of Tendering Division and Textile Division of the Department of Foreign Trade Administration of MOFTEC, Mr. WANG was promoted to Deputy Director General of the Department of Foreign Trade Administration in May 2001. He subsequently worked as Deputy Director-General of the Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Tibet Autonomous Region under the Aid-Tibet Program in Aug. 2001. After his tenure as Deputy Director-General and Director-General of the Bureau of Fair Trade of MOFCOM starting from September 2003, Mr. WANG became Director General of the Department of Foreign Trade of MOFCOM in Dec. 2006 (between February 2009 and July 2010, he temporarily served as Member of the Standing Committee of CPC Nanjing Municipal Committee and Vice Mayor of Nanjing). In August 2013, Mr. WANG was appointed Assistant Minister of Commerce and member of the CPC Leadership Group of MOFCOM. He was appointed Vice Minister and member of the CPC Leadership Group of MOFCOM in April 2015. In January 2018, Mr. WANG was also appointed Deputy China International Trade Representative.


At the CCPIT, Mr. YU Jianlong worked successively as Deputy Division Director, Division Director and Deputy Director General of the Department of International Relations. In December 2014, he was appointed Director General of the Department of Economic Information. He then worked as Vice Chairman and Secretary General of the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) and President of the Arbitration Court of CIETAC, Vice Chairman of the China Maritime Arbitration Commission (CMAC) and President of the Arbitration Court of CMAC, and Secretary General of the China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC). In January 2021, he was appointed Secretary General of the CCPIT. Mr. Yu started to serve as a member of the CPC Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the CCPIT since August 2022.

Le CCBC aimerait remercier ses commanditaires 2023